Currently, I am the manager of some call signs. All questions regarding these calls and QSO requests should be addressed to me. Special call signs and special DOKs are highlighted.
The club call signs belong to the German IARU club DARC. By club rules, usage ist restricted to members.
The club callsigns (except DL0SLW, DR3I) can be used on request by members of DARC's section "Bingen am Rhein (K15)". Members outside our section may request one of the call signs (except DK0MRT, DL0SLW) after they have proven, that they are members of the DARC. A simple proof is to contact me by eMail with an address.
Call | purpose | DOK |
International cat day. |
International dog day. |
DK0MRT | Call sign of DARC, section Bingen am Rhein (K15). UNESCO world heritage "Oberes Mittelrheintal" |
Call sign of AGCW. Slow speed network. Activated weekly in CW by the operators
K15 |
DN6CC | personal training call sign. Assigned until 2028-12-31. | K15 |
DR3I | Call sign of DARC, section Bingen am Rhein. Personally used for contest activities. | K15 |
ex Call | former purpose | DOK |
DA0EMV | Call sign of DARC's EMC department. Assigned from 2019 until end of 2024. | EMVK |
DK65BIN | 65th anniversery of DARC, section Bingen am Rhein. Assigned in the year 2022 | 65K15 |