Or: What can I do for Amateur Radio?

In the first years, I was a consumer. It started with a license course in 1979. I joined the DARC as soon as I got my license. In the club, I was just a regular member

In 1983 the former head of our youth group left the chapter and I was asked to take over the group. I led the group for four years, until I reached the maximum age. As head of the youth group I belonged to our local chapter's board.

It seemed, that I had done a good job. The board offered me to take over other positions. Over the years I had several offices:

On regional level (district of Rhineland-Palatinate) I was officer for

I support DARC's board diretly by

In the telegraph club AGCW I had or have the following offices:

As president I am member of the RTA (Round Table Amateur Radio). This is the political representation and lobby organization of the German radio hams. The organization elected me as vice president. As such, I was involved in discussions with the telecommunication authority and the government department, when the amateur radio regulations were updated in 2024.