Operating as 9H3ND on Comino IslandUsually, I pack a rig into the suitcase. Usually, this is a

The selection depends on the circumstances. When hiking, the absolute minimum is the KH1. On a motorbike trip, or on the bicicle, there is some more space. In this case I chose the KH1 or the KX1 with a better antenna, e.g. the buddistick or a homemade dipole antenna with a short fibreglass pole.

When travelling by plane, a bigger size, but not much more weight are acceptable. The choice is the KH1, the KX1, the X6100, a K1, the K2 or the FT-818 togehter with a buddistick antenna or a glassfibre pole with wire antenna..

The other end of the range is the FT-857. It's a commercial radio with high output power, but the transceiver and the power supply has weight and size. This is nothing for flights, but suitable when travelling by car.