Logo AGCW-DL e.V.I prefer telegraphy as operating mode. Consequently, membership in AGCW-DL is crucial. In this club, I manage the Activity week. As an elmer, I support newcomers and returners. I am one of the operators of DL0SLW, the lead station of the QRS network, which gives everyone the chance to operate in telegraphy at low speed.

AGCW is member of the EUCW. For the EUCW, I manage their diploma.

Logo DARCOf course, every radio ham should support the local IARU club. I am member of the chapter "Bingen am Rhein" (DOK K15) of the German Club DARC. I am not only engaged in the local chapter, but also in regional or central initiatives.

Beside the DARC, I am member of another IARU club, the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). To me, the ARRL is an important source of information. In their publications they provide excellent articles on technology.

Other CW clubs I am member of are the "Netherlands Telegraphy Club", the "Straight Key Century Club" (SKCC) and the "Morse Preservation Society" (FISTS).

Logo QRP-ARCICommunicating with low power is an art (and mostly connected to telegraphy). I am member of the Britisch G-QRP-Club and of the American QRP-ARCI.




Club member #
AGCW 2673
ARRL not public
DARC not public
FISTS 19043
Marconi-Club 975
NTC 83
ÖVSV nicht öffentlich
QRP-ARCI 10479
SKCC 18541